I've been making music as a hobby since late 2020. Here is an archive of most of the music that I've made, with demos and some unreleased stuff included!
Listen to the old stuff at your own risk. I'm not kidding about this archive going back to the very start.
A cover of Gift from Undertale Yellow, made in celebration of the game's first anniversary. This game and this song meant a lot to me in the first year the game was out, so what better way to celebrate than with a cover?
This was made in about an hour and 45 minutes for the last ever COMPOST compo on Cohost, in which the prompt was "Party Mode". Since the website was due to shut down at the end of the month, I took a more somber approach to that prompt.
A cover of my favorite investigation track from the original Ace Attorney trilogy! (The specific game being Ace Attorney: Trials & Tribulations in this case.)
A cover of Amalgam from Undertale! This was a challenge in sound design, seeing if I could get a sample of my own voice to fill the role that the original Beach Boys sample used in Earthbound did in the original song. It wasn't the exact same, but it was fun to see how it turned out nonetheless!
A cover of Meltdown from Undertale Yellow! This was the most complex song I'd ever made up to this point, since it has a lot of moving parts, but I ended up tackling the challenge really nicely!
This was made in about 1 hour 45 minutes for the first COMPOST compo on Cohost, with the prompt of "Incognito Mode"! I tried to capture the mental image of Eggbug (the site mascot) at a P.I.'s desk looking through posts to give gold stars. While obviously there's some things I would have done differently given more time, I think I did well given the constraints!
driving at highway speeds to acquire milkshake (11/4/2023)
My first time using Furnace tracker! This was originally a test but I liked the sound so I made it a full track. This uses the Yamaha YM2608 chip for those curious.
A track I made for a now scrapped collaborative game project. It would have been about possessing people as nanomachines in a post-apocalyptic world, so I tried to convey both the action and the vibe of the environment. Unfortunately, I never got to test if I did a good job or not!
My portion of the Newgrounds Audio Portal 20th Anniversary Collab, featuring vocals from Jaksana Boonchom at the beginning! This has an "official" title of "Happy B-Day AP!", but I prefer not using it because it's mind numbingly generic.
A cover of one of the most underrated songs on the Deltarune OST in my opinion. I cranked this out basically on an impulse over just a few days, because I just really wanted to cover this!
Two unreleased demos that I pursued for a little bit in February 2023. I ended up ditching them in favor of what later became Ultimate Fresh Zone. They have potential, but I didn't feel good about them at the time.
I saw an open request for songs for the Cute Cat Collab on Newgrounds so I figured I'd take a crack on it. I submitted too late. Oops... In hindsight, not sure it would have fit in very well anyways.
Small OST for a school project. It was a clone of the Checkerboard Chase minigame from Kirby 64, but we also tried to add a singleplayer adventure aspect to it that simply did not work!
My entry for the Newgrounds Audio Tag Team contest. This is a counterpart to Zechnition's song "Falling Through the Internet". I'm still a little sore that round 1 never actually made it to judging, but it was a fun experience!
I participated in the Jamuary challenge in 2022, in which I challenged myself to make a song every day of January. It took its toll on me, and none of the songs were particularly great, but I think it helped to build my skills a lot!
Music from a scrapped idea for the bumper I made for the Newgrounds Summer Animation Jam in 2021.
Random fun fact: I had to redownload this from Newgrounds, since the video it's from has sound effects, and the bass doesn't sound right anymore in Ableton for some reason.
I made a Friday Night Funkin' mod as a one-off joke, but then it went viral on YouTube so I ended up trying to inject some more originality into it.
I wish I was more experienced at the time so I could have done the joke justice.